Usually pay attention to dust, be careful not to bump, do not be sharp object to scratch the surface, the basic on it using notes and other similar appliances, not too cold in the heat wave of the circumstances. Not too long period of continuous use, the heat of ps3 is getting bigger, so you'd better take a break after playing 4-5 hours games.
When PS3 is reading the game, please don't shut down directly. The correct approach is based on the middle-PS button, select "Quit Game", returns XMB interface, the main option, was shut down (shut down the upper left of the selected recommended XMB items logo / press - the middle-PS button - options off).
When PS3 is reading the game, please don't eject the disc, the correct approach is based on the middle-PS button, select "Quit Game", returns XMB interface, the main options until after the CD-ROM logo appears press the "back plate key".
If we play the PS3 when the crash - do not use the middle-PS to quit the game or shut down / remove the disc / turn off the machine master switch, suggested the only way is to press the host --- (open key) and hold until it become red. When the host is updating, do not make any operation and take off host power. Part of the game corresponds to the "data install function" can read the game faster and protect bald life. Recommend the machine horizontally, vertically, said the tmart coupon has been prone to lock the case of bald.
Game console starts, the host must not be moved or collision. Off method, according to the middle-PS button, select "Quit Game", returns XMB main options, was shut down (shut down while the former is best to let the host rest). Sometimes you need special ps3 accessories to maintain your game console.
To host a good heat well, top or back of machine proposed ventilation openings are at least 15cm to allow location of heat. Regularly swept clean up oil [vents] of the dust particles, the host has to maintain a clean surface. Never place the PS3 in a big dust environment, environmental tobacco smoke, big smoke environment, there may be some influence PS3 heads. To disconnect the HDMI cable to PS3 completely off [machine master switch] after 10 minutes to carry out, or they might burn the first HDMI (HDMI products are any). Downloaded in the background, do not play any corresponding to the hard disk to read of the game, it would increase the disk load might lead to lag or crash or file corruption drive.
Recommended host for a long time (for example: 5 hours or more) when not in use, turn off the machine master switch.
Host should be placed on the desktop, and a higher position, because of near-surface temperature is lower, by order of bricks on the ground, due to a lower temperature so the water vapor easily condenses, its humid days, more easily lead to short-circuit.
Special Note: You can also search more useful information at tmart reviews. In the course of the game using the PS3 due to emergency leave, and if more than half an hour, try not to pause to wait, we recommend storing game progress, and then eject the disc.